Welcome to Nightwatch!

A logo of an eye with stars.

Nightwatch is a Python package that generates and displays realtime quality assurance (QA) metrics for nightly DESI observing shifts. It calculates metrics at the level of individual DESI fibers, CCD amplifiers, CCD cameras, and spectrographs.

DESI Support Observing Scientists (SOs) use the QA from DESI shifts posted on the main Nightwatch website at NERSC. Non-expert instructions and example plots are posted to the Nightwatch page on the DESI wiki.

The design of Nightwatch is based on experience and lessons learned from SDSS SOS and prior work on the DESI QuickLook and QuickLook Framework. The initial design was provided by Stephen Bailey and Julien Guy. Initial plot designs were created by Ruhi Doshi, Ana Lyons, and William Sheu (UC Berkeley). Current primary maintainers are Segev BenZvi and Jose Bermejo-Climent. The full list of project contributors is available here.

Indices and tables