For Experts: NERSC & KPNO

The Nightwatch monitor and webapp run daily at NERSC and KPNO. Here we detail where and how to alter the behavior of these programs. These instructions are intended for experts with access to the desi user at NERSC and the datasystems user at KPNO.

The NERSC scrontab

The Nightwatch monitor is run on Perlmutter by sourcing the nightwatch script:


In general, Nightwatch should be running persistently as a result of being sourced via scron as specified in the desi user’s scrontab. There should be at most one instance of nightwatch running at any time.

Modifying how nightwatch runs should be done by editing the above script. This can only be done as the desi user. Log into perlmutter as the desi user using the sshproxy service: -c desi
ssh -i $HOME/.ssh/desi

To see the scrontab entry for Nightwatch, run

scrontab -l | grep scron_nightwatch

To monitor the scron job(s), run

squeue -u desi -q workflow,cron -O Name:10,qos:10,JobID:10,State,EligibleTime,StartTime | grep scron_nw


All Nightwatch scron jobs are called scron_nw; there should be at most two of these running on perlmutter.

To modify the Nightwatch script, follow these steps:

  1. Suspend the scron job:

    1. Run scrontab -e.

    2. Comment the entire block ending with the line source $CFS/desi/spectro/nightwatch/nersc/ To do this properly, insert the characters “# ” at the start of each line in the scrontab block.

  2. Stop Nightwatch cleanly:

    cd $CFS/desi/spectro/nightwatch/nersc
    touch stop.nightwatch
    tail -f nightwatch.log

    Monitor the log file to see that Nightwatch has in fact stopped. Once it cleanly ends, remove the stopfile:

    rm stop.nightwatch
  3. Modify the Nightwatch script as needed. Its location is

  4. Resume the scron job by running scrontab -e and uncommenting the code block ending with source $CFS/desi/spectro/nightwatch/nersc/ The job will restart at the time indicated in the scrontab entry; it should be at 30 minutes past the hour.

KPNO DOS Nightwatch Service

At KPNO, Nightwatch runs on desi-8 as a system service. The processes are executed under the datasystems user.

Two scripts are provided to control the services:

  1. nwctl and nwlogs for the Nightwatch service.

  2. nwwactl and nwwalogs for the Nightwatch web application service.

These scripts have been copied to the ~/bin directory of the datasystems user and are in the execution path. No sudo or root privileges are required. Further details are available on the DESI wiki.

The Nightwatch service can be run as follows:

nwctl [stop|start|restart]

starts, stops or restarts the service.

nwctl status

returns status information for the service.


Prints the (journalctl) log file. The (user) logs messages from Nightwatch are written to /exposures/nightwatch/nightwatch.logs.

Continuously prints the last (journalctl) log messages. Similar commands options are available for nwwactl and nwwalogs.

On desi-8, pausing Nightwatch just requires running

nwctl stop

Unlike NERSC, a stopfile is not needed. The DOS Service will automatically restart the Nightwatch monitor and webapp when the system is rebooted.